In order to best penetrate in this complex and powerful universe, and to go out to meet Uzbekistan, certain prerequisite readings might be incredibly useful and captivating.
Uzbekistan's history is tinged with wars, conflicts, power struggles and cultural influence. Here are some works for optimum understanding of Uzbekistan's specificities during your trip.
These works are not novels but scientific and documented works.
Going to meet Uzbekistan, is, above all, going to meet great travellers. Here are a few travel stories to put in your bag:
The book to appear next might turn out to be particularly interesting. A work by the doctor Marc Bonnel, Uzbekistan expert and enthusiast, it's a matter of his own experience, a record.
For those who are not deterred by reading in English, there are recent publications recounting the daily life and contemporary reality of this country:
The Uzbek cinema has, for a long time, been immobilised and subjected to Soviet control, even propaganda. However, certain directors tackle these substantive matters with subtlety and offer a journey through authentic Uzbekistan. These films are the best approach to Uzbek culture and history and enable you to come up to your trip to Uzbekisand with a more watchful eye. For example, LeSauvage by Kamara Kamalova, Abdullajon by Zulfikar Musakov et Qui es tu ? by Djahongir Faiziev.